We also attended a concert of the Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra with guest artist Geoff Keezer (jazz piano). Geoff's proud father is my cousin (Ron and Mary Keezer) and we always try to catch his concert when he's in the area. Just learned that his latest album has been nominated for a Grammy. Wow, I know (and am related to) a Grammy nominee!! We also made a trip to the

My annual trip with friends Loris and Georgia took us to Chicago where we took in a taping of the Oprah Show (Loris won the lottery!), enjoyed the first half of the Broadway play "Jersey Boys," survived a bomb scare which emptied the theatre and our hotel (both in the same building!), enjoyed an architectural history boat trip on the Chicago River, visited the Shedd Aquarium and the Field (natural history) Museum. The bomb scare moved us to the Chicago Hilton for the rest of our stay including the first night in a two-bedroom, FOUR-bath suite on the 22nd floor overlooking Lake Michigan!! Sweet Home Chicago!

We finally got our butts in gear and got moving on our forty acres near Neilsville. We got our driveway put in (all 1200 feet of it . . . NO, it's not blacktop!), got electricity run back to our building site, and got a garage/pole building built. Decided to bite the bullet and just do it! The building center in Neillsville has our plans and will turn them into blueprints and we will get a bid from the builder who did the garage. If all goes well, it's full steam ahead next spring. Our house in EC will go on the market as soon as we get home from Texas. Exciting, but a little scary. Mostly exciting!
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