Sunday, November 30, 2008

Winter Texans

We made it! We arrived in Fulton TX about 4:15 p.m. yesterday. We headed straight to Panjo's to meet the group for pizza. No problems on the trip down - just some rain and a few crazy drivers. After pizza we headed to Woody Acres to park the rv and head over for Texas Hold'em. Chuck took 3rd and I took 4th so we both made a few $$ - good beginning.

We had a good last few days in Branson - another day at Silver Dollar City with great weather and a delicious Thanksgiving dinner at 76 Country Buffet. I can't believe they can prepare and serve such delicious food for SO many people. Turkey, ham, prime rib, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes with pecan praline topping, green bean casserole, beef stroganof, barbequed chicken, catfish, carrots, fried okra, corn, etc. etc. and to top it off, pumpkin pie, apple pie, warm blackberry cobbler and warm pecan pie cobbler. They were open from 11am to 8pm and the line was huge all day but moved steady. My hats off to the cooks and staff!

Today we are getting set up. Last night we just parked and plugged in the electricity. Today we straightened up, leveled, hooked up water, sewer, etc., got the grill out and set up, the DISH TV set up, and I worked inside: setting up the computer table and the computer and printer, putting up Christmas decorations, arranging all my STUFF, and making my grocery list for my first trip to HEB (a big Texas grocery chain).

It's always fun to get back with our Texas friends - we call them Texas friends even though they are from Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Minnesota, British Columbia, etc. Tuesday night is the free fish fry that Fulton-Rockport puts on to welcome back it's "Winter Texans." Becky and Roger got us tickets and volunteered us to work with them again last year. It's more fun to "work" than to just go and eat. Tonight is game night - we play a game called Pegs and Jokers with a group, tomorrow afternoon is cribbage and tomorrow night is bingo here at the park - etc. etc. We've been "officially" welcomed by our friendly geese - Clyde a grey goose and his/her pal, Little Goose, a white goose - they were over this morning begging for bread. Yes, bread is on my grocery list!

As I just told Chuck, DISH TV is up and working, wireless internet is up and working - LIFE IS GOOD!

Keep in touch

Linda and Chuck

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Branson, Missouri

We hit the road for the winter on Saturday, November 15. After final packing, a last-minute check of RV tires, and readying the house for winter without us, we hit the road. We went as far as Osceola IA. We intended to stay at a RV park near a casino just outside of Des Moines but found that it had closed for the winter (it used to be open year-around) so they called ahead for us to make sure the one at Osceola was still open. We made it to Branson the next day and settled in at Treasure Lake RV Park.

I found out that Danny O'Donnell was performing here - we have just missed him several times - so I called immediately to see about tickets. We were able to get tickets for Tuesday and absolutely loved his show. He is an Irish singer who has done several programs for public television. He is very charming and has a beautiful voice. He had a female Irish singer performing with him - Mary Duff. They will be taping a new show for public television this coming Monday so I would urge you to keep watch on public television for him.

Wednesday was a beautiful, warm day so we headed out to Silver Dollar City. We never did go to the truck for our jackets - it was in the mid-60s most of the day! We headed right down to see their production of A Dickens' Christmas Carol. It was an hour-long musical production with special effects, beautiful costuming, excellent voices - really well done. We also watched a cute stage show that gets the little ones involved - Frosty the Snowman. We browsed the shops, watched the evening light parade and watched the music and light show including a five-story Christmas tree on Main Street. We will probably head back out there again on Wednesday to see a couple of shows that we didn't get to last week and buy our season tickets for 2009.

Yesterday we headed up to Springfield and stopped at a big antique shop and spent some time at the huge Bass Pro Shop. We got gas on the way home for $1.58 9/ per gallon - the lowest we've paid so far.

I think we will go downtown today and walk through Branson Landing. There are lots of bus tours in town this time of year to see Ozark Mountain Christmas and to shop at the outlet malls.

More later . . .