It's AppleFest Weekend in Bayfield, WI! Friends Karen H, Pat S., Phyllis N., and Judy F. left on
Friday morning (unfortunately Carol J., Pat J., and Alice P. were not able to join us- we will miss them). Our first stop was Bargain Bill's in Rice Lake, then on to Spooner for lunch and a stop at Dahl's Furniture and Gifts. From there we continued north to a quilt shop in Trego, Simply gift shop, wonderful fabric and yarn shop in Gordon, nice gift/yarn shop in Solon Springs, and the Bunkhouse Shop in Iron River. We visited Karen's friend's farm to feed carrots to her horses - they were a bit wary at firest but soon were pushing each other aside to get more than their share. We then headed to the cabin to unload our STUFF before it got dark. On Bark Point Road we encountered a flock? of ten orphan ducklings - Karen had been watching the family for the past two weeks so knew the mother duck had been hanging out with the little ones on the road near her cabin. Apparently the mother had been killed and and the little ones had been rounded up at least once and taken back to the farm but probably were looking for Mom - so sad! Well, Karen hauled out a cardboard box from her trunk and she, Phyllis, and I (mostly Karen) rounded up the little ones, put them in the box, and Karen took them back to the farm

After unloading and staking out our beds, etc. we headed back into Port Wing for dinner at a local bar/restaurant. Fresh Lake Superior Whitefish, pork tenderloin and shrimp, nice soup and salad bar - a very good dinner. On the way back to the cabin, Karen was driving slowly and carefully since this is deer and bear country. Suddenly in the middle of the road was a BOBCAT! Because weren't racing down the road, he was able to get out of the road in time. How exciting - none of had ever seen a bobcat in the wild before. Back at the cabin, we had a great time relaxing, talking, laughing, and eating yummy Crumb Cake for dessert. A fire in the stove made for a very cozy, warm setting. Finally, we gave it up and headed to bed to be ready for Bayfield tomorrow.
Saturday, October 4
No one is in a big hurry to get moving this morning. Coffee drinkers need their morning fix - I'm satisfied with a nice cold Diet Coke! There are yummy muffins and caramel rolls for breakfast. Mid-morning we finally get moving and head to Cornucopia for stop at the harbor to see if Leonard is there with his rustic tables, lamps, and coatracks. He was there! and I think he was looking for us. Karen bought two tables and Pat bought one. They loaded them up and headed back to the cabin to drop them off. Meanwhile, Judy, Phyllis and I headed up the road to a thrift sale at an old motel and from there to the coffee shop. I had French Vanilla Chai tea and a yummy brownie while waiting for Karen and Pat to return. From there we headed toward Bayfield, turning around to stop at a booth just outside of town with baskets, wild rice, and carved wood items. They were very nice people--she is from the Bad River tribe and he appeared to be Norwegian. She made the baskets and he did the carving. Several purchases later we were on our way into town. We parked close (thanks to Judy's handicapped parking permit), and headed to the gazebo. We split up and headed out to do our own them at the craft show, etc. Karen met up with friends from Owen and had lunch with them. We met up at the appointed time and hit some of the shops. The highlight?!? was when Phyllis located the type of purse that her daughter had given her and we had all been admiring (aka coveting!). We all descended on the little shop and after endless consideration, discussion, reconsideration, etc. we each chose our particular style and color and left satisfied with our purchases. The ladies in the shop were thoroughly entertained with our selection processes! Deep fried cheese curds, fish kabobs, carmel apples, apple dumplings were just some of our "treats" from the many street vendors. Satisfied and exhausted, we headed back to the car and back to the cabin. Dinner was Phyll's hotdish, Karen's barbeques, Linda's pumpkin roll - good comfort food. Another evening of conversation, laughter, and sharing with good friends.
Sunday, October 5